Daniel Ortoleva

Daniel Ortoleva has been known as DANEO or DANEO VIDEO in the New Haven, Connecticut area since 1984. He worked behind many productions on the techical aspects at the nationally renowned nightclub Toad's Place for over 20 years. His former association with Toad's included a brief position handling legal compliance. On the other side of the stage, he incorporated his computer, often referred to as DOT KHAN, in multi-media stage performances a few dozen times.

Video and stage lighting

Daniel has worked in corporate video, stage lighting and stage production with some audio experience including editing over the past 25 years. During this time Daniel Ortoleva has worked with literally thousands of musical acts on over 12,000 performances.
Daniel has an understanding of basic marketing techniques.

Graphic and web design

Daniel Ortoleva has used his solid background in graphics to create Flash presentations and what he calls EAK-Cards.
EAK-Cards are E-Cards with an edgy attitude to tell others what you'd like to say.

Matthew Garrett of C5 Web Design deserves thanks for the site's initial table based layout for the Flash example pages. Daniel Ortoleva prefers a fluid CSS look for most web pages to adjust to a user's browser window.

The owner of The Side Street Grille restaurant in Hamden appreciates the work Daniel Ortoleva has done towards redesigning his web site to better reflect the fun and edgy style of the restaurant.

Question Anarchy for Shades of Gray

Daniel Ortoleva uses the term "Question Anarchy" to describe the use of logic, statistics and analitical thinking to counter a common worry that things are a lot worse than what they really are.
Less than 5% of the population are like Daniel of preferring analitical facts over an emotional reaction to view a topic in shades of gray.


"We never learn anything new if we aren't open to new ideas in life."

"The things that we agonize while they happen are the things we laugh at later, Why not laugh through them!"

"Worrying about what is possible makes us paranoid, finding out whether it is plausible based on how often or likely it will happen gives peace of mind."

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